In Super Immunity, Dr. Fuhrman takes the argument for a vegan diet to its next level. Others, such as Campbell (see “The China Study”), Esslestyn (in his “How to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease“), have made compelling arguments for the adoption of a vegan diet as a way to prevent and perhaps reverse the damages of the major killer diseases in western society: cancers, cardiovascular deterioration, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity.

Fuhrman posits that an optimally nourished body can not only achieve the defeat of these diseases but of a whole range of other possible attacks from viruses and bacteriological foes. He looks at the plant nutrition palette that we can feast from and identifies those particular  plant products which are most optimal in protecting our bodies from disease and deterioration. His recommendations draw, in part, from  the experience of treating patients for 20 years with nutritional guidance to combat cancer, lupus and other diseases. Additionally through his institute he does significant reading into the rapidly developing field of the effects of nutrition on various aspects of disease; Super Immunity has over 250 references supporting the claims of his theories on nutrition.

A particularly interesting chapter in the book is that on Colds and Flu — read this and you may never take a flu shot again.

The essence of his nutritional program is “GOMBBS”, his guide to daily nutrition consisting of:

  • Green  Vegetables — and he tells you are most potent
  • Onions –member of the allium familyof plants
  • Mushrooms — he speaks highly of these and cites references to their value in fighting cancer
  • Berries — any kind but especially pomangranates and blackberries
  • Beans — again, any kind
  • Seeds and Nuts

These elements are consistent with the recommendations of other vegan diets but differ mostly in specifying which plants are most effective in creating super immunity. I found the major variation to be inclusion of nuts (Esselstyn says none) and a lowered emphasis on grains.

As with other books of this kind there is an extensive list of recipes and a suggested two week menu. I am impressed by the few recipes I have so far tried.

The banner at the bottom of the books cover reads:


Super Immunity provides an excellent and rationally argued guide to achieve this status.

Genre: Health, Longevity